My 1st Vacation to an island was a success. Most important is, my Tok Ma, Tok Bah, Wan, Atuk and of cousre my Ibu and Daddy all together joined the what we called as a FAMILY holiday. It was great gathering.
Travel 8 hours by charted bus is not that dificult for me, i slept almost all the way through out the journey, hihi.
Even while in the boat transfer, u can see me still sleeping.. hehe.

1st day in the Island was so hot. I felt not really comfortable, but on 2nd Day the weather getting better, i enjoy this trip. 2nd day is good day for me to "mandi pantai" :).
This is actually another trip organized by SOC for SOC Divers & Snorkelers. 10 New SSI Open Water Course, 5 Fun Diver and 14 Snorkelers...and the only little girl on free and easy mode is me

Enjoy & nervous.....i don't really like this 'pelampung' because i couldn't feel the water splashing...ibu should buy a new one for me

Hot pakai pampers je.'i'm a hepi gurl!...yeahhh'

In the boat...

SOC Group, can u see me?
from the trip, what i has is a bit tanned skin heheh...take about 2 weeks for me to recover. hehe