As promise by my daddy & ibu, they has succesfully organized a birthday party and majlis buka puasa to gather all family members, daddy and ibu friends. I enjoyed the day and from my closest family feedback the food is very tasty and most of them like it.
My parents purposely organized it at Fig and Olive to support Atuk and his friends restaurant. Alhamdulillah after that event, some already has plan to do their old class gathering. Fig and olive is a. franchaise restaurant from a famous Halal Restaurant in Singapore.
If you still remember, i was born on early Ramadhan last year, so my ibu need to to replace 27days fasting. And, i was proud, she has completed ganti puasa without paying any penalty fidyah. hehe.
Thats awesome ibu! :).
You can see the crowd fron the event when your browse your mouse down.
Picture 1 : Presents receive from the event. Thank you everyone.....i receive a lot of baju raya hehehe
Picture 2 : My ibu's friends.....her so-called Chicha Friends!
Picture 3 : The crowd....hope u all enjoy the food ya