Jom jalan2 cari duit raya kat rumah tok mekkkkk

Ibu dan Qasih sedondon

Kawan sepermainan bersama Paksu Kimie.....Qacihhh cayang Poksuuuu

ooOOOoooo....mcm nie ke rupa lembu ibu.....kat Kel El Qasih tak nah nampak lembu nie

Qasih tgh tido waktu nie....sebab nak simpan energy nak raya seharian hehehe....waktue tue jugak Qasih tak brape sihat la....
Hi All,
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin.
This year is my second year celebrating Aidilfitri, now i am 1 year, last year my ibu still in berpantang when we celebate Hari Raya.
Last year beraya at Seremban, and this year is my daddy's turn to beraya at his home town at Pengkalan Chepa.
We celebrate at Tok Bah & Tok Ma new house. I like it so much.
My Atuk & Wan was not in Malaysia, both of them fly to perform their Umrah strating on 7 Sep and celebrate Aidilfitri @ Madinah & Mecca. May Allah protect them both during performing their umrah......
Early in the morning during aidilfitri i was not feeling well, my grandparent and daddy perform sembahyang raya at nearby mosque while i took a long nap before we go beraya to umah my moyang.....after a short staying at moyang house, we then decided to beraya at our relatives house.
At night all the family members get together and we had the duit raya ceremony. hehehe....i received a lot of duit raya....yahuuuu
the next day, tok ma n tok bah had an open house......they invited their neighbours and of course relatives. the menu of the day is Laksa Jauhorrrr (daddy pronounce) as it was made by my ibu.....terer plak ibu masak buat jamu org ramai hehehe....
at 6 o'clock we took a flight going back to KL.....Pak Long fetch us at Subang airport....
On the third raya, we going back to Seremban.....to visit my other moyang hehhe....
Until then ......adiossss.....