"Aku sahut seruan-Mu, Ya Allah, aku sahut seruan-Mu, aku sahut seruan-Mu tiada sekutu bagi Mu. Aku sahut seruan-Mu, pujian, nikmat dan kerajaan untuk-Mu, tiada sekutu bagi-Mu" - Talbiyah
Alhamdulillah, i'm back to Malaysia in safe. But i had some flu & cough, but thank to Allah always protect me & my beloved family during the trip.
This is the most advantures & valuable trip for me. I'm proud to be born as a muslim. Visit Medinah (Rasullullah Placed) & Mekah (Home of Allah) was the most touching & deeply feeling inside. It was a great visit & experience.
"Para jemaah haji dan umrah semuanya tetamu Allah, jika mereka berdoa kepada-Nya maka akan diperkenankan, sekiranya mereka memohon keampunan maka dosa mereka diampunkan" - Riwayat An Nasai, Ubnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban & Ibnu Khuzaimah
Touch down in Medinah with temperature 12degres was really a challenge for me who usually stay at normal tempertaure of 30' in Malaysia, most of the time i just stay in the room hihi. Only at certain time usually late evening before Azan Asar, i went to Masjid Nabawi and give Salam to Rasullullah near to Raudhah. This time i can see a lot of people from all over the world. So fantastic! Some of them are amaze seeing me a very young little gurl following my parent to Umrah.
Masjid Nabawi with Daddy.....so beautiful.

Even in the room, i have to wear ears cover to avoid hypo

After 3 nigths in Medinah, we move to Mekah with 6hours journey using a bus. Amazing, along the journey, i have no problem at all. Me just a bit cry asking for milk and plain water. Thanks to Allah again. I think this is Allah gift for my visit to Allah house :)
Arrived at Hotel Mekah around 11pm, i still in sleep. All the jemaah busy preparing for Umrah, i'm the last person entering Masjidil Haram cause during the journey to Mekah we are all in ihram to do our umrah. Ibu cry just before entering Masjidil Haram. Alhamdulillah finally we are infront of Kaabah. Ya Allah your house is so beautiful i am really amaze with the Nur around Masjidil Haram. How peacefully it is. Thank to Allah again to wake me up just Ibu & Daddy reach Kaabah. We proceed with Tawaf - Saie - Tahalul. Now i'm Hajjah Qasih. hihi....shukran shukran.
Otw to Masjidil Haram...bestnya bau kebab2 kt sini.

Daddy and me wat tawaf sunat.......

Awal pagi before balik......buat tawaf Wida'utk sayee...Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.....Serula aku kembali ke Rumah indah mu ini.....
Emmm...otw to Taif from Mekah was not in a good mood. Leaving Masjidil Haram was the sad moment, Ibu & Daddy cried during Tawaf Wida'. and....changing temperature & altitude from Mekah (27deg, 50m) to Taif (15deg, 1500m) make me felt uncomfortable. I cant sleep because it was so cold even in the Hotel Room and the worst things is the heater in the hotel is not working well. Thanks to Pak Long who help Ibu & Daddy, he hug me to make me warm along the night. Thanks to Atuk & Wan who provide me with good antibotic & drop medicine for my flu to cure me. In Taif, my Nek Yang get bad fever. We are all so worried on that night in Taif worried on her condition. But Alhamdulillah, all recovered when the sun rise with all our doa's.
So cold...huhu....Sleep in full blanket (one night at Al Barraq Hotel, Taif)

With Ibu - ziarah Taif Dam. I'm the only one who use umbrela...hehe

Arrived in Jeddah from Taif was in good time & feeling. Temperature similiar as in Malaysia & stayed at 4 star Hotel make me smile a lot. And....ibu buy a lot of cloths for me.....yeeeehaaaa....thanks Ibu. the shopping place just behind the hotel.
Do u know how many new dress ibu grab for me?? Hihihi...Daddy need to buy an extra bag to put all my cloths. Ibu told us the cloths is for my Hari Raya celebration. hehe how advance my ibu is....hehe

At Jeddah Airport: Peminat2 saye....hehe....i'm the youngest among others.....people called me 'Hajah kecik' alhamdulillah.....nie semua aturan Allah....kalau tak kena tinggal mesia tau mase ibu n daddy g umrah......

Here is some photo showing me along the trip. It was so adventures. Alhamdulillah everything doing fine from KL-Madinah-Mekah-Taif-Jeddah-KL.
Mode 1:- In the Plane: KLIA - Madinah Playing with my firefly.....firefly is my only my toy during the trip

Mode 2:- In the Plane: KLIA - Madinah...Ibu tgh ngantuk2 layan me....hehe

Mode 3:- In the Bus: Madinah-Mekah-Taif-Jeddah

Mode 5:- In the Taxi: Mekah Hotel - Sary Street (To Uncle Zainal's House)

Mode 6:-Finally, In the Plane: Jeddah - KLIA

Thanks to Allah & Rasulullah again for inviting me to your house and place. Even the trip & route was so adventures and challenging, but i was so proud, i take it as my responsibility as khalifah of Allah.
Special Thanks to my family, Wan, Atuk, Pak Long, Nekyang and especially Ibu & Daddy who never stop caring, protecting & loving me along the trip. Love u. Thank you also to those who pray for my safe journey especially to ibu, daddy families, relatives and frens.......