Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Latest Tools

Horray....this is my biggest tool. Thanks to ibu & Daddy. I know this will be the best solution due to my rough sleeping activity hihi...see my previous blog entry.....that is how i usually sleep.

fuh.....seb baik.....muat jugak letak dlm Blue Magic daddy nie!
what is that?????


MELDAL........daybed brought to you by IKEAAAA......will be very useful later.....

i loike bigger space...more things to do and the best thing is i don't need to share with ibu & daddy anymore :p

and this is my new "playground". i Love it so much, but in my next wish list is i would like to have a walker. hmmmm....ibu read a forum in babycenter and there is one article saying that walker is not good.....but there are some few comments from experienced mom saying that walker is good, baby will learn to walk faster.....erm...ibu still thinking......thats why ibu bought an exersaucer for me....we will see if ibu change her mind to buy a walker for me....

this is what we called EXERSAUCER.......say it right people E.X.E.R.S.A.U.C.E.R