Monday, February 8, 2010

Short Trip to KB

Hmm actually we nearly cancel our visit to my beloved Tok Ma & Tok Bah in KB but once my Daddy trip to Oslo was posponed, ibu ring a phone and tell Daddy we still can make it.

Alhamdulillah....but the best thing is Daddy bought Firefly tix. And the moment i fly using this airline i felt in love with it compared to another airline with the tag "everyone can fly". there was not many people at the airport. It was so comfortable and i can say the flight is much more smooth throughout the journey. Good choice daddy!!

Depart:- Subang Airport, 7.25am 30 Jan 2010
Return:- Pengkalan Chepa, 8.55am 30 Jan 2010

Me & ibu in Fireflyz

With Pak Sue Kimie hehe

Tok Ma yang suka dukung Qasih yang makin berat ni hehe