this time we went with a big family include my Cik Wa attending Uncle Zizi's wedding.
1 day before the wedding, with excitement, my very 1st time swimmming in a real swimming pool with my new swimsuit & gears. Ibu just bought a swin suit and baby swim seat for me a day before.
At first i was a bit nervous hehe....but finally i felt so happy :)
Me & my so called 'wedding dress', just like a flower gurl..... during attending Uncle Zizi wedding. Congratulations Uncle Zizi!

P/S:- 1 day after returning home, jeng jeng....Wan bought me this pool hehe. Tq Wan! but when daddy send this pic to Tok ma, she couldn't see me, i were surrounded by toys......kelakar la tok ma nie....kecik sgt ek Qasihh nie?