Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ASM Family Day

ASM Family day...oyeah.

Starting 1st June 2011, my daddy has been promoted to become a Senior Engineer and he has been transfered to Aker Subsea Engr. Alhamdulillah, thank God for the Rezeki!

So this time around we were introduced such a big crowd mostly coming from Aker Port Klang....new faces and meeting new people

We had this Family day at Sunway Lagoon...again huh? donno why they like to plan it here....
Anyway i'm enjoy myself swimming/playing near the pool hahaha

After mandi manda, we will surely singgah Atuk's Restaurant, Fig & Olive hehe. still like before....

That is my IBUUUUUU.....ermmm dont be surprise yee...
playing near the pool....

where am i?

event though i like to go to pool for swimming erm....but actually i'm a bit 'takut'....
i will always have my ibu or daddy to dukung or hold me....
