Well as usuall when someone so little and cute like me to see my doctor of course i will be scared. But i like the Doctor's room.....can't wait for me to start learn how to grab things so that i can play all the toys inside her room.
The doctor told ibu, daddy, atuk and wan (waaa.....so many want to accompany me on my first appointment hehehe) that my joundice is under control. Means i don't need to be awarded or anything.
Yeah...i"m 3.36kg, increase about 8% weight after 7 day.

i'm shy la Daddy.....don't take my picture....
But then unfortunately Ibu was warded again for few days, she having breastfeeding problem. I have to be warded together with Ibu. Pity ibu
Me yang temankan Ibu kat PCMC

(Warded from 2 Sep - 5 Sep 09)
On 5th September was my Daddy's burfday....EPPY BURFDAY DADDY!!! (ohhh...i hope i can shout it loudly) nevermind i replace with my loud cried hehe.....