I have something to share to u all....everything that my ibu & my daddy bought for me....
below is my cloths when ibu wash it for the first time
This is my new car....yesterday daddy put me in and bring me for test drive hehee.....everything seems OK and i really love the car just like what i dream of when i was in my ibu womb....

This is the place when wan/atuk put me in when i asleep during the day.....this place is so comfortable.....the best thing about this thing is it can glide....

erm....the red pillow was hand made yaaaa.....by my beloved Tok Ma from Kelantan.....she really know how to sew.....oooohhhhh can't wait to ask her to sew my baju kurung for next year Hari Raya....this year i am tooo little to wear one....
This place is where i will sleep during night time.....daddy and ibu will sleep just beside me so that i will feel more secure and happily to sleep~
Again the pillow, bolster and my mattress are hand made by my Tok Ma....TQ Tokma!!
Above two pictures is daddy's workstation for my feeding time.....Setup by daddy at Wan's house...daddy always said to ibu...everything you need is just 2 step from our room hehe....
This was actually given by my ibu goodfrens from Petronas.....
this given my daddy's frens from Aker
and this is from Dalilla, my swiming pool. hehe
to be continued.....