1st trip via "air balloon" was excellent and going so smooth :)
Journey to Kelantan : I slept all the way
Journey to KL : Playing with Ibu and daddy and near to landing felt asleep
Touch down yesterday at LCCT 11pm , my 1st trip going well hope the same for my next trip. Syukur. Ibu & Daddy happy.
It was so excited once Daddy intend to do "aqiqah" for me. kebetulan Tok yang decided to korbankan seekor lembu together with my other grandma and grandad lain, thus Daddy decided to take 1 part for my aqiqah. Thanks Daddy. Love u!!
LCCT:- Waiting to Depart to Kota Bharu on early morning of Raya Haji

Pak Su Kimie with full Baju Melayu @ PC Airport Arrival time around 830am

Sampai2 rumah Tok Mek @ Kubang Kerian, upacara korban. Look at my Daddy....what is he doing? hehe

After penyembelihan lembu, celebrate birthday my twin uncle and aunty Uncle Fahim & Aunty Betty. they just turn 6 years old. HAPPY BEDAY!!!
How came i didn't get the special cap?

Eventhough Tom Ma hands in pain, she still want to hold me ...hehe

Sleep tight on rabbit pillow given by Mok Long & Pokcik Hafiz

This is the saddest moment. Tok Ma cry becoz I have to fly back to KL. I'll miss u all....
