The reason why baby girl is encourage to sunat is because................(ask Ibu for explanation hehe)
Tok bidan told me that it is good to sunat when you are still small because your skin is much more lighter (is it the right word? hehe i mean 'lembut') cause i will later felt just a small pain. Yea...the tok bidan was right....i only cry a little....
Tok Bidan during opening with doa
after the event, ibu and me did our 'pelepas ceremony' means ending of our pantang in Kelantan
p/s:- Me before my sunat ceremony & presents that i received from my daddy's families in Kelantan.
Presents that i received are :
1) Big Bakul to put me in from Tok Wan & Nenda Ila
2) Comforter set from Mak Long and Pakcik Hafiz
3) Playgym by KKY (Koperasi Keluarga Yusoff)
4) Baby gift set by Nenda Ila relatives
5) Last but not least......duit rayerrrr yahuuuu