and...yesterday daddy install curtain at the passenger seat where my Confy Maxi Cosi will be placed. Yea!....
Next week on Thursday early morning, we will go back to daddy's home town in Kelantan to celebrate double happiness
1) Raya at Kelantan
2) to celebrate Ibu habis pantang hehe
You made it IBU!! hehe....We won't make it without you ALLAH....and thank you family for all your doa during our pantang journey....Alhamdulillah
Well actually Tok Ma told ibu that Pantang at Kelantan last for only 40 days, but here in KL 44 days.....I also confuse la Ibu hehe...nevermind as long as me and ibu is OK then it will be fine....
I am 40 days today oleady....getting bigger and bigger...syukran...