Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My daily routine

My daily routine everyday:

5-7am : Wake up, usually this time Wan will take me from our room and bring me downstairs and play with me. So ibu & daddy can sleep for a while.

7-10am : Sleeping ZZZzzzzz.....

10-11am : Take my Wan or Ibu...Ibu hand is in pain, she is now on physiotheraphy

11-1pm : Playing time either using my bouncer or walk a bout the house....i like to see Atuk fish.....named Boy

1-6pm : Sleeping time again....every 2 hours i will be feed

6-7pm : Take my bath....

7-9pm : Playing time again walk a bout the house....and talking2 with people

9-5am : Sleeping time....
Daddy routine is from 9pm - 2am (This time is when he likes to watch football,surfing the internet, updates his blog shop and club)
Ibu routine is from 2am - 6am

Thats are all my daily routine.....

Comfortable sleeping on ibu stomach....i think i remember this moment when i was in my mom womb hehe....

Jalan2 in AU2 Jusco.....
Playing with Atuk....

Daddy buli me....uwaaaaaaaaa